Undergraduate Advisory Board

Mission and Structure

The mission of the Planning, Public Policy, and Management Undergraduate Advisory Board (UAB) is to represent PPPM students, provide resources for student success, and act as a voice for students within the department. Our program areas include:

  • Events: This group is designed to build community by connecting students with peers, PPPM student groups, and faculty.
  • Peer Support: This program area focuses on making PPPM more accessible and supportive. Some examples include support for PPPM major applications and creating study groups in PPPM classes.
  • Professional Development: This subgroup focuses on creating networking opportunities and helping to prepare students for post-grad.
  • Student Liaison: All students on the board serve as a voice for students in the department and advocate for necessary changes within the department.

UAB Representatives

Roles and Expectations of Student Members

  • Members are expected to participate in meetings unless there is a scheduling conflict.
  • Members contribute to the planning and/or operations of events.
  • Members communicate feedback from PPPM-affiliated peers and act as a liaison between students and the department.
  • Members are expected to support the mission statement and serve the goals of the group.
  • Members who cannot meet these requirements may be asked to step back for the term.

PPPM Program Department Role and Responses

We try to respond to all issues raised, which may include a range of responses:

  • Solve the issue: add new software to computers in our lab.
  • Raise issue with faculty: ask faculty to do a better job of posting regular office hours.
  • Find resources: increase the amount and frequency of research and travel grants.
  • Seek more information: to ensure inclusiveness, we may seek input from all students.
  • No action: we can’t always take action due to constraints such as resources, policy, law or time. We don’t like to say no, but we will try to be clear about these.

Topics not appropriate for the UAB

  • Cases of harassment, discrimination, or inappropriate activity must follow UO procedures.
  • Feedback about specific instructors in their classes. There are established anonymous mechanisms for providing instructor feedback.
  • The actions of specific faculty or staff. Issues can be raised privately with a School Director or Program Director, but there are personnel procedures that must be followed.

Group representatives

  • Each Spring there is a call for nominations and self-nominations. We aim for a cross section of majors and minors across the program. We currently have a total of nine Undergraduate Advisory Board members. Current members can stay on the board for additional years.

Meeting times 

  • The UAB typically meets every other week during the academic term.
  • Meetings may be more or less frequent, depending on current projects and the needs of the board.
  • Some summer engagement may be requested if UAB representatives are available.


Meeting Notes and Documents